Friday, January 18, 2013

Uphill battle

hello. Having a bit of a rough day today. I am used to the pain but doesn't make it any easier to endure. I received some pretty flowers from Kelvin today. That really did lift my spirits. I can't believe its already been one week since my procedure. I am waiting for it to get easier now.  My poor momma has had to sleep with me at night to keep me calm. It is just hard to explain how much this all actually hurts. And my dear father has really been a great help also! Anything we should need.. he is off to the store to go get it for us. And he put up my new detachable shower head yesterday.... 2nd shower went much smoother.  I couldn't have been blessed with better parents! I have been shown so much love this past week and I just can't even describe how much it means to me! Joe.. I know you're like a million miles away... but you sure do brighten each one of my days!! I love you tons! Thank you for all the gifts you sent! :)) I am so happy to wake up to even just a text message from you!! Ashley... I look forward to each of your daily visits and appreciate more than you know all that you have done. Thank you for stocking my mini fridge!! You're simply amazing!! Im sorry for keeping you up all night with all my crying a week ago. glad you didn't ditch me then! ;-) But you are such a great best friend and I am so glad to have you in my life! Same goes to you Nick Brown!! Sorry i slept through our facetime call today lol! Johnson family!! You have all been so great!! Jeni... whatever you brought me today really knocked me out!! I can't wait to see if it works tonight! I need a full nights rest!! I think my mom does also!! lol! I am sure there are a bunch of you that I am leaving out... I am not the most coherent so please forgive me. As for the rest of you.. if I may ask for your continued prayers. I love you all and hope to be a little more informative...well happy informative later!! 

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