Sunday, February 24, 2013

6 week check up

Hey Everyone!
I know I said I was going to be better about updating, but have been having a hard time lately. I wouldn't want anyone thinking I was ready to off myself!! This past week has been much better, but is still filled with challenges unfortunately. I went for my 6 week check up down in Mesa on Friday. I can't believe it has only been 6 weeks! It sure feels like it has been a whole lot longer!! This upcoming week will be my first week without a daily babysitter! Soooo if anyone wants to come bring me goodies or some lunch and junk... I would really enjoy that!! ;-) Anyways, I was put on some new meds again since I have still been having such a difficult time with the old prescriptions. They seem to be working well, but as of last week I have been working on tapering off drugs all together. I just really hate the way they make me feel. If I can just deal with the pain I figure it is much better than all the other effects that have come along with taking them. Unfortunately I am not quite to the point where I can really go too long without taking them. Plus it is so hard to think when I do, my brain is all scrambled! hah! I just took another dose a little bit ago so I hope I will be able to finish this before I end up snoozing on my moms keyboard. :) Anyways back to the doctor... I ended up seeing the same PA that I unleashed all my anger on during my last appointment. She seemed to want to get my appointment done and over with quickly! I was in an awful mood so I didn't mind. Maybe I should have been nicer, but she rubbed me the wrong way from when I first saw her before my surgery. So I don't really feel bad. I still am unable to lift more than 5-10 pounds. When she told me that I just wanted to cry. I feel like I have hardly made any progress at all. I will not be able to be cleared to lift more or do anything else until April 5th. It just seems so far away, and I have two very adorable nephews that I can't pick up to hold. Makes me very sad!! I do get to spend quite a lot of time with them though. We all lay together... take naps together...  they sit on my lap... I sing to them... and thats about all I can do when we hang out. So sad, but I shouldn't complain since thats better than not being able to see them at all. The PA did say that as soon as I am not taking any drugs I can go back to driving. I am a little too afraid to try. I need to be a little more stable on my feet. My poor legs shake when I have to walk up and down the stairs. It is so embarrassing!! My poor muscles are disappearing! She wants me to start walking 2 miles EVERY day now! I told her that I have been having a hard time with just a half a mile each day! I am not sure how I am going to get up to 2 miles everyday!! We walked and walked and walked after my appointment at the chandler mall. I got a new phone also!! My mom and dads treat!! I am one lucky daughter!! Once we finally made it home from Chandler/Mesa, I literally felt like dying!! I was so sore! It was good though because I am pretty sure that was the longest I slept through the night since my surgery! Raquel took me walking at our little Prescott mall yesterday too! Its definitely hard walking for long amounts of time! I had a busy day today as well! I am ready to hopefully pass out and snooze the whole entire night!! And thats pretty much it for now! Oh since I haven't been so great at updating I must say that Gabriel and Danny made me some very cute valentines for valentines day! Along with them I had many friends think of me that day who sent me lots of love!! I have been playing chocolate roulette as a bed time treat almost every night with one of my favorite friends!! I think I have liked only one chocolate in that chocolate box so far haha :) Oh and if any of you are looking for a good show to watch... Revenge is a good one! Its on ABC, but I watched it on netflix and hulu+ Check it out if you're bored!! Anyways... I have reached that point where my eyes want to shut. Time to tackle those darn stairs and crawl into bed!! Thank you everyone for your continued support, thoughts, and prayers! I really feel so blessed to have you all by my side!! I noticed people have been writing on my wall and don't know how I have missed them! My stupid facebook app!! I promise I haven't been ignoring any of you!! I will definitely get back to you when I can!! I hope you all have a wonderful night!!
All my love,

These are my Super cute valentines from my sweet nephews :) 

My adorable nephews! I just love hanging out with them! They brighten my mood even when I am feeling really sad. I just love all my nephews so very much!! :) 
I was also so very lucky to have been feeling well enough to attend my friends wedding a couple weeks ago! It was my first big outing since my surgery... I was so grateful to have seen so many great friends that day!! I had so much fun! Even though I had to spend most of my time sitting!! Any day I get to get away from my bed is a good day!!

Nick and I had some fun while waiting in the apple store for my new phone :) 
It was nice to get out and have some fun!! 

One of the apple employees photo bombed us! Lol :) 

Love you all and I will make sure to write again soon! I do hope this blog makes sense!! These darn drugs!! 

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